01 May 2015

Kem Sayang Diri Remaja Sengoi 2015

Source/Author: By Pastor Ng Kok Moi (Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church)

TRAC News - Kem Sengoi 2015

The birds and the bees have always proven to be a rather tricky subject to approach when it comes to the younger generation, but just like those palpitating visits to the dentist, you can say that this ranks pretty much high up in the necessity scale. The last weekend of April saw 64 Sengoi youth, shepherded by two pastors - Rev. Bah Ngah and Rev. Shurriawaly, joined the team from SSMC (Pastor Ng Kok Moi, Mr. Chor Ming Chong, Ms. Tan Su Tiam, Ms. Renee Choong, and Mr. Edwin Kee) at Chefoo Methodist Centre in Cameron Highlands.

The demographic of the participants from 7 different villages was varied, ranging from secondary school students to those who are pursuing their tertiary education, in addition to drop-outs (due to various factors) and those who have already joined the work sector.

Majority of the teaching sessions were conducted in a large group due to the nature of the material and topics involved. Ps. Ng Kok Moi opened proceedings by giving a Biblical perspective on sex, and how the act of sex was a gift from God, and should only happen within a marriage. A video that depicted the start of life upon conception, all the way to the mother giving birth, showed the sanctity of life, and how we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” in the image of God. Issues such as pre-marital sex and teenage pregnancy were also explored in further detail, as Ps. Ng explained the consequences of decisions made in the throes of passion, and how one should make the
decision right now in order to stand firm
when temptation knocks on one’s door.

Ms. Renee Choong shared on the topic of “Making Choices (Loving Myself and Others)”. She drove home a very valid and crucial point on the propensity of human nature to sin, and how negative peer pres
sure tends to be stronger than positive influence. Using a couple of illustrations in the form of having volunteers participate in the respective activities, it proved to be particularly effective in sending this point across the audience.

Ms. Renee Choong then continued with how one should guard one’s chastity before marriage, saving oneself for the husband/wife whom God has prepared in advance. Throughout all this, the youth were reminded time and again to seek God in prayer for their future mates. A “Teh Tarik” session was then held in order to demonstrate how sexually transmitted diseases can be spread so easily without one being aware, right after a video of a real life example was shown depicting the negative effects that drugs and promiscuity have on a person, affecting even innocent lives in the future.

Mr. Edwin Kee followed up with a session on how to choose the right life partner, as he shared his experience before deciding to tie the knot in God’s presence.

The following morning of this 2D1N camp, Ms. Tan Su Tiam led the youth in a session that touched on making the right decisions in life through an exercise that involves choosing a bag that one thinks has the most valuable item within. Volunteers were called upon, and they were given the chance to change their choice before opening up the bags. The object lesson driven home was this - life is not all that it seems to be, and we do need wisdom from God to be able to make the right decision, especially the important ones.

Ms. Tan Su Tiam then shared on the topic of Islam, as well as the rampant Islamisation drive that is going on in Malaysia. She cautioned them on remaining strong in the faith, touched on the basic tenets of Islam, how one can be tricked or falsely coerced into accepting the Islamic faith, and the consequences of conversion.

Games and other interactive sessions were run in order to drive home the different points on selected issues, including how rules are instituted by God for our own
benefit, the ease of how sexually transmitted diseases are spread, how to make the right decision, the utmost importance of the Word of God to guide one’s life, etc.

Throughout the entire camp, the various cikgu's reinforced the following points: sex was created by God and was meant to be enjoyed within the boundaries of a marriage (defined as between a man and a woman), the dangers of promiscuity and living a reckless life without being rooted to the Word of God.

An example on how the Word of God is
able to shield us from harmful influences
throughout life was then illustrated using two umbrellas - one that has been badly torn to depict the ease of how one can be targeted by the wrong ideas and action, while the other offers protection from whatever negative elements that are being directed in one’s way.

The “Egg & Straw” game was organised to drive home the point on how precious each and every one of our lives are to God, and we have only one life to live, so we should make the most of it and avoiding the many potential pitfalls that lie in wait for the unsuspecting victim. Ps. Ng Kok Moi closed the camp by sharing her testimony on how diligence, hard work and a disciplined life, guided by the Scripture, is a recipe that will allow us to live life in accordance to God’s will.

Special thanks to Mr. Chor Ming Chong
for helping capture memories of the camp through his Pentax lenses.

The Kem Sayang Diri Remaja Sengoi 2015
closed with prayer by two of the youth for their own people group and community, before Rev. Bah Ngah gave the benediction.