01 Nov 2015

沙卫理年议会顺利召开,明年开拓新领域事工 / A Brief Report on the 12th Session of SPAC

第十二届沙巴卫理公会的年议会,已于2015年11月6日至7日假亚庇神恩堂圆满举行,共有70位嘉宾、牧者、会友及观察员出席了此项为期两天的会议。马来西亚基督教卫理公会会督王怀德牧师受邀前来指导,并在开幕礼拜中证道。王会督语重心长地以圣经【民数记23:13-25】提醒教会要防备暗流力量的攻击,且必须依靠信实的上帝来抗衡之。另外,王会督也在按立礼拜中,透过【提摩太前书3:1-7】劝勉同工们需要寻找属灵长辈来教导帮助自己,正如提摩太需要保罗的教导及帮助一般。再者,牧者及领袖必须展现谦卑、圣洁、好怜悯、公义的品格,避免展现自己,荣耀自己,正如贵格利大主教曾说:“谨防自我展示的隐藏乐趣”。今年新加入的传道人有刚毕业自沙巴神学院的斐奥娜丽莎(Fionalisa Binti Aldrin)。被按立的长牧有吴常健;副牧则有甘云成,艾芬迪(Effindy Pengiran,以及安德森(Anderson Norbert)等三人。

斯次会议除了检讨过去一年的事工,会长许光福牧师率领与会的代表们按着主题:《这一代、下一代》(From Generation to Generation)来展望及策划2016年事工。许会长在其演词中强调,教会必须重视【马太福音28:20】大使命的时间性 “世代的终结”(to the very end of the age)及【使徒行传1:8,11】的空间性 “直到地极”(to the ends of the earth),这些字眼都存着迫切性,且是互相紧扣着的三重E命令,就是:一、向万国万族传福音(Evangelize Every Nation/Peoples Group)。二、建立本土/本色的教会(Establish Local, Indigenous Churches)。三、装备信徒成为门徒(Equip Every Believer to be Faithful Disciple)。按此大方向来计划,新的一年在门徒培育的事工上,教会将注重家庭培育与亲子关系,青少年事工,以及推动本处传道的培训。在布道与植堂方面,焦点将放在刚成立的斗亚兰卫理布道中心;另外,也将积极推展在原住民群体中的事工。教会与社会关怀方面,成立了沙巴卫理福儿院;另外,本会也积极关注原住民教育事工。至于在跨文化宣教方面,继续认领缅甸景栋的佤童之家,泰北的传道人及领袖培训等等事工。


A Brief Report on the 12th Session

The 12th Session of SPAC was
successfully held at Shern En
Methodist Church, Kota Kinabalu on 5-7th November, 2015. A total of 70 ministerial and lay delegates, as well as some observers attended the 2-day conference. Bishop Dr Ong Hwai Teik and wife (Mun Kean) graced the occasion, and our Bishop preached at the Opening and Closing (Ordination) services. Fionalisa Binti Aldrin, a fresh graduate from Sabah Theological Seminary joined the pastoral team. Joseph Ng Shiong Kim was ordained to the Order of Elder, while Vincent Kam Yun Cheng, Effindy Pengiran and Anderson Norbert were ordained as Deacons.

The Session deliberated and planned
on relevant ministries in accordance with SPAC's two-year theme:
"From Generation to Generation" whereby the focus for 2016 would be "Raising a God-fearing Generation." In his presidential address, Rev Dr Hii Kong Hock revisited the Great Commissions, and he emphasized on both the temporal (Matthew 28:20 "to the very end of the age") and the spatial (Acts 1:8, 11 "to the ends of the earth") aspects of missions. The urgent call was to the church's emphasis on the 3-E commands: (a) Evangelize Every Nation/Peoples Group; (b) Establish Local, Indigenous Churches and (c) Equip All Believers to be Faithful Disciples.

Following the GC Road Map, SPAC's major ministries for the coming year
include: (a) Discipleship – family life,
youth development, local preacher courses; (b) Church Planting & Evangelism– Tuaran Methodist Preaching Point, indigenous ministry in Sandakan; (c) Church & Society – Sabah Methodist Children's Home, education among the orang asal; and (d) Cross-Cultural Missions – Wesley Training Centre in Chiang Rai, Thailand, and the Children's Home in KyengTung, Myanmar.

the afternoon of 7th November, in the presence of President Hii, pastors and many church members, Bishop Dr Ong officiated the dedication ceremony of the newly planted Tuaran Methodist Preaching Point, a 3-storey shoplot donated by Mr Lau Kiing Ho and family in memory of his late parents. Also, Sabah Methodist Children’s Home was dedicated to the glory of God.