CAC News
01 Jan 2016

华人年议会第四十届会议— 靠主圣灵 布道我行!

CAC 40th Session Report

2015年11月10至12日,马来西亚基 督教卫理公会第四十届华人年议 会,于波德申卫理中心进行;主题 是 “靠主圣灵   布道我行”本届出席的 代表与副代表人数,是330。

首日下午二时,年会议会进行圣餐 崇拜仪式,由华勇荣誉会督(博 士)证道,题目是“靠主圣灵 布道我 行!”会督藉经文<约翰福音>3章5至 8节,指出若要宣教,除了蒙圣灵带 领与充满,信徒也要具备良好的规 划、管理方式与传教技巧。 

接着,完成圣餐仪式后,莫会长 向会众介绍来宾,即三一年议会 会友领袖 Datin Judy Chin、淡米尔 年议会会友领袖 Brother Clarence James、印度宣教区的摩西牧师和马 来西亚神学院院长萧帝佑牧师。 

莫会长在演辞中,强调年会调整 和加强海外宣教、国内布道的应 对策略,即按年会人力、经济能力拓展宣教事工;在各宣教区资助 建堂、领养教会、访宣关怀;培育 教牧、训练门徒、栽培神学生;鼓 励宣教区学习自立自养自传;寻找 宣教福音伙伴,开拓新资源;强化 宣教区组织,加强管理机制;山 区:一村一教会、一区一学校。展 望未来,会长希望由异象导向的年 会能实现六大目标:原住民和外劳 宣教事工;青年事工;帮助年会的 小牧区,尤其是财援;聘请邱学新 弟兄为年会全职同工,专司布道、 宣教、原住民、外劳等行政事工; 成立律师团契;加强年会的经济基 础。

11日晚上,莫会长恭请会督报告 总议会事项,即2015年卫理公会营 会;原住民事工委员会;宣教与布 道;建立国际学校,须耗资约五千 五百万令吉,所有年会皆参与建筑 事工;继续持守 “M 24 / 7” 祷告运 动;总议会出版各书籍、手册和赈灾事工等等。

12日早上十时,会督证道,以 “Cannot But to Bless(不得不祝福)” (民23:13-26)为题。会督指出巴勒 王要藉贪婪的先知—巴兰,诅咒以 色列民。但神警告巴兰,只能说出 神要他说的话,巴兰惟有大大祝福 以色列,敌人诡计无法得逞;足证 以色列由始至终都蒙神眷顾。神至 今仍看顾、保守祂的教会。 

本届新晋副牧是管伟业、颜子钧、 林孝标、刘立章、许凯伟和陈联 麒;新长牧是汤鹏翔、黄伟善、黄 珮琳、潘武忠、梁永聪、张丽云和 杨肃恩。

最后,莫会长主持第四十届年议会 闭幕礼时,宣布:2016年11月15至 18日,第四十一届年议会将在波德 申卫理中心进行,中四教区协办, 南中教区助办。为期三天两夜的本 届年议会,顺利结束。

The 40th Session Chinese Annual Conference – 
Proclaiming the Gospel by the Power of the Holy Spirit

The  40th Session Chinese Annual Conference of The Methodist Church in Malaysia was held from 10-12 November 2015 at Port Dickson Metho- dist Centre with the theme “Proclaiming the Gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit”.  A total of 330 delegates and deputy delegates were present.

The Annual Conference began with the Holy Communion service at 2:00pm. Bishop Emeritus Dr. Hwa Yung delivered a sermon following the theme “Proclaiming the Gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit” based on John 3:5-8. Bishop Hwa Yung pointed  out that to be involved in mission, apart from being led and filled by the Holy Spirit, believers must also be equipped with proper planning, good management methods and mission skills. 

After the Holy Communion service, President Boh introduced the following special guests: Datin Judy Chin, Lay Leader of Trinity Annual Conference; Brother Cla- rence James, Lay Leader of Tamil Annual Conference; Rev. T. S. Moses from India Mission District and Rev. Dr. Philip Siew, Principal of Seminari Theoloji Malaysia. 

In his address, President Boh emphasised the importance of strengthening and reviewing the local and overseas mission and evangelism strategies according to the human resources and financial ability of the Annual Conference. We would sponsor church building in the various mission districts, adopt churches, make visits as a way of care and concern; nurture pastors, train disciples, grow seminarians; encourage these mission districts to be independent and self- financing; recruit mission partners; explore new resources; strengthen the organisation of mission districts and their management structure. Our slogan is: One Village One Church; One District One School. As for future plans, President Boh hopes to achieve the following six major goals through a vision oriented Annual Conference: invol- ving indigenous and migrant ministry; youth ministry; to assist smaller parishes especially in financial aid; to recruit Bro. Ku Hock Sing as full time staff of the Annual Conference specialising in evangelism, mission, indigenous and migrant ministries; to form Lawyers Fellowship; and to strengthen the financial base of the Annual Conference.

On the night of 11 November, President Boh also invited Bishop Dr. Ong Hwai Teik to present some key General Confe- rence (GC) matters, among which were the conventions conducted in 2015; Indigenous Mission Task Force (IMTF); mission and evangelism; construction of an international school which cost approximately RM55 million whereby all Annual Conferences would be involved in the construction project; to continue M24/7 Prayer Movement; books and manuals published by the GC; disaster relief work, etc.

On 12 November at 10:00am, Bishop Ong delivered a sermon entitled “Cannot But to Bless” based on Numbers 23:13-26. Bishop Ong pointed out that King Balak intended to curse the Israelites through the corrupted Prophet Balaam. However, God warned Balaam to speak only what God wanted him to speak, that Balaam was to greatly bless the nation of Israel, thus the enemies’ plots never succeeded. Therefore, it is evident that God has blessed Israel since the beginning. Today, God still guards and watches over His church.

At the Ordination Service, new deacons ordained were Gan ZI Jiun, Ling How Piu, Loo Lik Chang, Koh Kai Wei and Ting Lian Kee; while new elders ordained were Teng Perng Shyang, Wong Vic Cern, Wong Pey Ling, Phan Wu Chung, Liong Weng Choong, Tiong Lee Ying and Yeoh Siok Earn.

At the closing ceremony, President Boh announced that the 41st Session Chinese Annual Conference would be held from 15-18 November 2016 at Port Dickson Methodist Centre, co-organised by Central District 4 and assisted by South Central District. The Annual Conference Session thus concluded smoothly.