01 Jan 2016

邀请各宗教代表齐来庆祝圣诞节 苏慈安:圣诞节代表和平与和谐

在这个充满着爱的圣诞节 里,卫理公会砂拉越华人 年议会于12月21日假富雅 各宣教楼礼堂举办圣诞节开放门户 活动,邀请各宗教代表一起来唱《 平安夜》及《普世欢腾》,传达宗 教和平与人类和谐的重要讯息。

除了邀请卫理公会伊班年议会参与 外,约有60位来自伊斯兰教的穆斯 林(包括宗教司),还有佛教、天 主教、婆罗洲福音教会与锡克教等 宗教的代表在当天中午受邀来到富 雅各楼,互相介绍握手问安,并且 一起合影,随后便前往空中花园, 一同共进午餐与聊天,呈现出人间 天堂的真善美。

砂拉越华人年议会会长苏慈安牧师 在致词时表示,是项开放门户活动 主要是回应于今年8月开斋节期间, 于 An Nur 大清真寺举行的跨宗教开 斋节开放门户活动,诗巫各不同宗教的团体当时也受邀出席。而当天 的圣诞节开放门户亦是诗巫第一次 有不同宗教的团体于圣诞季节里相 聚。“这两次不同的聚会已打破了多 元种族及宗教的诗巫社会之历史纪 录。” 

苏牧师说,圣诞节的来临令人想 起,通过耶稣基督的诞生而带给全 人类的救恩。但对大马来说,其含 意应是和平与和谐,通过耶稣基 督,和平来自上帝以及和谐来自人 民。

“开放门户活动不仅说明我们是真正 的马来西亚人,生活在多元种族、 文化及宗教社会里和谐共处,因此 这个聚会带来两项重要的意义和宗 旨。” 

一是促进多元种族的谅解,因为在 上帝眼中人人是平等的,不分社会 阶级、种族、性别、年龄及宗教。 因此与不同信仰的真诚交流和对话是健康及有必要的,同时相互间也 要传达爱、尊重及应有的敏感度。

他称,联邦宪法也阐明,每个人拥 有宗教的自由、对成人来说,每个 人有自由选择宗教和履行其信仰的 选择。同时在不受任何一方的骚扰 和恐吓下,宗教团体也拥有履行信 仰权。而当天出席的人,见证和体 现了这个谅解。 
另一个意义则是促进多元种族的和 平与和谐。需要强调的一点是,打 造和谐社会基石的元素是爱和相互 的尊重、互相接纳,不论种族、文 化、政治及宗教信仰。对家庭的照 顾、甚至延伸到不同年龄和弱势一 群、残障人士,外劳和家庭女工。 

“尽管我们不同种族,但在价值观上 却有共同点,如对环保的关注、善 用高科技和资讯工艺及通讯以及节 源。”


An Inter-religious Christmas Open House Gathering
in Sibu, Sarawak, 2015

SCAC has successfully organized an inter-religious Christmas Open House Gathering in Masland Methodist Church, Sibu, from 11am to 1pm on 21 December, 2015. Its purpose was to foster better friendship and connection with people of other faiths.

The Annual Conference Associate Lay Leader, Mr. Hii Chang Kee, who is also the newly appointed Resident of Sibu, led the ice-breaking session, asking the leaders to introduce themselves. There were 62 people at this event, including 10 Imam and Muslim friends, 14 Buddhist leaders, 6 Sikh leaders, 2 leaders from Chinese folk religions, 4 Roman Catholic friends and Archbishop, 2 Anglican friends, 8 BEM friends, 4 ACS members, 2 SIAC friends and President,  and 10 representatives from SCAC.

In his welcoming speech, President Su Chii Ann remarked that it was the first time that such a gathering had taken place during Christmas season in the history of Sarawak, especially in Sibu. He said, “This gathering not only arti- culates that we are truly Malaysians, living together harmoniously in a multi- religious, multi-cultural and multi- racial society, but also brings about two significant meanings of Christmas. As Jesus is the Prince of Peace, he wants us to bring the message of peace and harmony to all people – peace with God and harmony with people. So today, we are here to embrace multi-religious understanding and to promote multi-racial harmony. No one can practice religion as a lone-ranger. It must be practised and expressed through our relationship with God, with one another and with the community. Today’s gathering is just a humble beginning of such a kind of relationship.” 

The gathering sang three Christmas songs and ended with benediction by President Su. Then, a buffet lunch was served. Those who were present felt excited and appreciative to have this ga- thering. They also expressed their hope to have more of such gatherings, join hands to render social services, hold dialogues and organize festive season visitations in time to come.