Essay - Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah Methodist
01 Apr 2016

The First Methodist Church on the Malay Peninsula

Source/Author: By B.F. West

The ceremony of dedicating the M. E. Church at Ipoh, which took place on Sunday, May 3rd, was of special interest for several reasons. It is the only church building which our Mission has on the Peninsula, and has been built entirely by local contributions. All classes of the community, English, Chinese, and Tamils, helped to raise the money.

At 8 a.m. a dedication service was held, at which also a baptism took place. This was followed by services in Chinese and Tamil, at the former of which an infant was baptised. At each of these services the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered. Sunday schools conducted in English and Tamil were also held. The evening service at 6 p.m. was in English, and in spite of the heavy rain was attended by almost the whole of the English-speaking population of Ipoh.

The Government have lately added another acre and a half to their already generous gift of land. Close to the church Bro. Horley has build a very comfortable bungalow, so we are now well provided for as far as land and buildings are concerned.

The Anglo-Chinese School will make use of the church for school purposes. This school is growing rapidly both in numbers and popularity, and Bro. Horley already has in his house all the boarders he can accommodate. Bro. Horley has been greatly assisted in his work by the indefatigable efforts of Mr. W. Cowan, Protector of Chinese, and Mr. Sabapathy.

Above everything else we are glad that God has blessed our labours in the conversion of souls.

The Malaysia Message
Vol. V  No. 9
June 1896