01 Aug 2016

General Conference Probationary Ministers’ Retreat 2016 (GCPMR’16)

Source/Author: By Pastor Teoh Lee Yng

Probationary Ministers’ Retreat (PMR) News

The General Conference Probationary Minister Retreat attended by 28 pastors from the Tamil Annual Conference (TAC), Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) and Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) was held from 12th – 14th July 2016 at Wisma Methodist, Kuala Lumpur. The theme for GCPMR’16 was “Sound in Doctrine, Vital in Piety, Faithful in Ministry and Effective administration” with the aim of equipping pastors to grow and mature as a lifelong effective minister of God in the Methodist Church in Malaysia. In these three days, Bishop Ong helped us to look at our spiritual formation as ministers, the philosophy of ministry, essential competencies and other relevant issues pertaining to pastoral ministry. 

Firstly, we were reminded that the purpose of the probation period before ordination was not only a time of testing to be passed successfully but also as a fundamental training period to acquire skills, competencies and “holy habits” in the lifelong learning of the minister. We also learned about the basic structures, governance and polity of the Methodist Church in Malaysia which we are serving in. Secondly, in upholding sound doctrine we learned about fraternal correction, on how we are to admonish one who needs correction. Though it is not an easy task yet it is needful in order to lead a person who is lost back to a life in Christ. We also looked at the Book of Discipline and how we can fully utilize this empowering document.

Thirdly, in developing a godly character we looked at John Wesley’s “Advise to the people called Methodist” and identified with the marks of a mature Christian. We also looked at godly virtues and deadly sins that we should be on guard against. Fourthly, to be faithful in ministry, we were challenged to evaluate whether our serving has succumbed to doing a job rather than ministry. We looked at the contemporary application to Wesley’s “Twelve Rules of a Helper” and the “Six Stages of Faith” to identify our own spiritual journey of growth and change. Lastly, through the question and answer session we had with Bishop Dr. Ong, we were able to discuss, exchange ideas and received practical and useful advice on how we can be effective in ministry which includes being efficient in the administration matters of the church.

Besides the teaching sessions, we had a good time worshipping together and enjoying the fellowship with one another over meals and drinks. It was a wonderful time of getting to know other pastors from different conferences and to share our experiences and journey in the ministry. GCPMR’16 was not only a time to learn but also for personal reflections and rest. It was a much welcome break from the routine and demands of the daily church ministries. Finally, it was a time of being ministered to as Bishop prayed for us individually at the end of the retreat.

On a personal note, attending the GCPMR’16 had indeed been an edifying experience. What had impacted me the most was to be reminded that while it takes consistent and conscious effort to be faithful to call of pastoral ministry yet it is God himself that is growing and equipping me through His Church. I have been refreshed by the renewing of my mind through the teaching sessions, received practical instructions for effective ministry and had a greater appreciation for the legacy of the Methodist Church. I am most thankful to the Lord for this fruitful time at GCPMR’16.