01 Aug 2016

Dedication Service of Jubilee Methodist Education Centre, Jelapang

Source/Author: By Choo Wang Teng

Jointly with the anniversaries celebrations of Wesley Methodist Church Ipoh (122nd), Jubilee Methodist Centre Jelapang (21st), the 1st Ipoh Company Boy’s Brigade Malaysia (25th), and the Jubilee Methodist Kindergarten, Jelapang (7th).

Sunday July 3, 2016 was Kairos time for Jubilee Methodist Centre, Jelapang. It was a day of rejoicing and giving thanks as a family of Jesus Christ. Together with guests and friends, we participated in a 5-in-1 celebration of God’s goodness to His people.

On this occasion, Jubilee Methodist Centre (JMC) gratefully dedicated its new building, named Jubilee Methodist Education Centre (JMeC). We were honoured to host many distinguished guests who included Bishop Dr Ong Hwai Teik, TRAC President Rev Dr T Jeyakumar, Perak DS Rev Joshua Kong, many pastors and leaders of the Methodist Churches in the Perak District, friends, parents and church members.

Jelapang Outreach Point (JOP) was the precursor to Jubilee Methodist Centre.

JOP was Ipoh Wesley’s response to TRAC’s “Vision 74 by 96”, launched in 1992. The Pastor, Rev Ong Hwai Teik, together with the ministry staff and a group of church leaders sought the Lord over “Vision 74 by 96”. After much seeking of the Lord’s will the team was led to set up an outreach point in the suburban town of Jelapang, approximately a 10-minute drive from Ipoh Wesley.

JOP was birthed in the Centenary Year of  Ipoh Wesley in 1994. It was inaugurated on July 2, 1995 at the 5.30 pm worship service held in a village house at 357, Jalan Sekolah. 

By 1999, congestion and poor conditions rendered the wooden house unsuitable for ministries and worship. The Pastoral team sought the Lord anew, for an alternate site.

God is never short of  His blessings. He is faithful and He provided!

AD2000, the Lord moved us out of 357 Jalan Sekolah to a new location situated along Jalan Aman, the present site. “Project JMC” took shape by God’s provision of 2 adjacent plots of vacant land belonging to two members who released them to “Project JMC”.

JMC is a 3-storey building situated at no. 701 Jalan Aman. It has 4 classrooms, a small hall on the first floor for the Sunday School and a larger multipurpose hall on the ground floor which doubles up as a Sanctuary for Worship Services on Sundays. The building was dedica- ted on April 1, 2001 by TRAC President Rev Hwa Chien. It was named Jubilee Methodist Centre commemorating its founding Year of Jubilee AD 2000.

Education is an important hallmark of the Methodist Church in Malaysia.

Jubilee Methodist Kindergarten (JMK) was mooted in September 2009.

Work began in January 2010 with 6 children. This number soon increased to 55 plus, outpacing the building capacity.

Increasing space to accommodate the children and up-grading the facilities are not options anymore.

The “JMC Building-extension Project” took off in 2014. The new building contains 6 classrooms, a library, a computer room, a multipurpose hall (size of 2 classrooms), a crèche, and a Sanctuary for worshippers at JMC with a seating capacity of 180 persons.

Named Jubilee Methodist Education Centre (JMeC), the new building is dedicated on July 3, 2016, by Bishop Dr Ong Hwai Teik.

The Worship and Thanksgiving Service was held in the new Sanctuary inside the JMeC building. The Service began at 5.00 pm soon after the Bishop has inspected the BB Guard of Honour on his arrival.

Some of the other events included a slide show on a short history of JOPJMC, song presentations by the children from both the JMC Sunday School and JMK, Youths from Ipoh Wesley and adult choir from JMC.

The Bishop, taking his texts from Judges 2:6-15 and Deuteronomy 6:4-9, spoke on the theme ‘Generational Legacy’. He emphasized the important role of the home in teaching the next generations faith in God—not only know God but also know what He has done.

This was followed by the dedication of the JMeC building. The Dedication Memorial Plaques were then unveiled by our Bishop and TRAC President.

Before the guests and hosts adjourned for dinner, they were treated to an excellent display titled ‘Fancy Drill’ by the 1st Ipoh Company of the Boys Brigade Malaysia.

To God be the Glory for the things He has done!



2016年7月3日这个星期日是上帝 安排给九洞卫理禧悦教育中心的最 佳时日。作为基督的家庭这是一个 喜悦和感恩的日子。加上客人和朋 友,我们参予了一个5合1庆典 – 颂 赞上帝给祂子民的美好。 

在此之际,卫理禧悦中心感恩地将 命名为卫理禧悦教育中心的新大楼 献于上帝。我们荣幸地举办及招待 尊贵的来宾包括马来西亚卫理公会 会督王怀德牧师博士,三一年议会 会长再也古玛牧师博士,霹雳州牧教 区区长约书亚.江牧师,以及卫理公 会在霹雳州牧教区的许多牧师和教 会领袖,朋友,父母和教会成员. 

九洞佈道所为卫理禧悦中心的先 导。

九洞佈道所是怡保卫斯理教会为了 响应三一年议会“在1996年拥有 74间教会”的宏愿而于1992年推介 的。当时的王怀德牧师,联同教会 员工和一群教会领袖为了“96拥有 74”宏愿寻求上帝的指引。经过多番的祷告及寻求上帝的旨意之后, 这个团队被引领来到九洞这个郊区 小镇建立一个佈道所,从怡保卫斯 理教堂到来的车程大约是10分钟。

九洞佈道所是怡保卫斯理教会于 1994年建堂一百週年之际而诞生 的。它在1995年7月2日下午5时30 分在位于学堂路,门牌357号的一间 村屋里举行了首次崇拜。 

到了1999年,拥挤和恶劣的环境使 这所木房子不适合作事工和崇拜之 用。牧养团队为了搬去另外一个地 方而重新寻求上主的指引。上帝从 来不缺乏祂的祝福,祂是信实的, 祂提供我们的需要!

在公元2000年,上主让我们搬离了 学堂路357号,而到了沿着阿曼路的 新地点,就是现址。卫理禧悦中心 工程项目能够形成是因为上帝提供 了两块本属于两位教友的毗连地段 而他们自愿把該地段交给了卫理悦 中心。卫理禧悦中心是一栋3层的建 筑物位于阿曼路,门牌70号。它有4间课室,一间在二楼的小礼厅作主 日学之用,一间比较大的多用途礼 厅在一楼,亦可以作为主日崇拜用 的圣殿。该栋建筑由当时的三一年 议会会长华谦牧师在2001年4月1日 奉献予上主并命名为“卫理禧悦中 心”,是为了纪念其创始禧年,即是 公元2000年。

教育是马来西亚卫理公会的一个重 要标志。  

卫理禧悦幼儿园在2009年9月酝酿 成立。在2010年1月开始上课时只 有6个孩子。这个数字很快上升至55 以上,超越了这建筑物最多能够容 纳的数量。增加空间来容纳孩子和 提升设施已经不是一种选择了。 

在2014年,“卫理禧悦中心建筑扩 建工程”开始了。新建筑物包括6间 课室,一个图书馆,一个电脑室, 一个多用途厅堂(2间教室大小), 一个婴儿室和一个能容纳180人崇拜 的圣殿。 

命名为卫理禧悦教育中心的新楼是在2016年7月3日,由会督王怀德牧 师博士主持献堂典礼。

其他一些事项,包括播放九洞佈道 所-卫理禧悦中心的历史幻灯片,来 自卫理禧悦中心主日学和卫理禧悦 幼儿园的儿童呈献诗歌,怡保卫斯 理堂诗班的青年合唱团及卫理禧悦 中心小组的成员呈献歌唱节目。

会督引用士师记2:6-15和申命记 6:4-9来讲道,主题为“世代遗 产”。他强调家庭在教育下一代对 信靠上帝所扮演的重要作用;不仅 知道上帝,但也要知道祂做了些什 么。 

接下来是九洞卫理禧悦教育中心的 献堂仪式。之後由我们的会督和三 一年议会会长为牌匾揭幕。

在宾主享用晚餐之前,他们观看了 由男少年军怡保第一军团所操演的 一齣好棒的“花式操步”。 

荣耀归于上帝,祂成就了很多作 为!