01 Oct 2006

October 2006 - Every Heart with Christ is a Missionary

TRAC Missions Consultation

Nepali Christians singing to the Lord  Rev. Ong Hwai Teik and Pastor Pasang, the main speaker  The work of prayer in mission

The TRAC Board of Missions organized this year's TRAC Missions Consultation from 14-16 July, 2006 at the Wesley Methodist Church Ipoh. Some 70 people from 18 churches attended this Consultation. The focus group for this year was the Nepali migrant workers in Malaysia and the Unreached Peoples Group (UPG) work.

The Lord's presence was strong throughout the Consultation as we heard both heart warming and heart wrenching real life stories of mission work as carried out and reported by the local churches represented there. There was a spirit of oneness and camaraderie felt as we were all humbled by the heart of God in partnership with us in the work of Missions.

One of the highlights of the Consultation was the actual times of prayer that we engaged in for every church whether represented or not. The TRAC President, Rev Ong Hwai Teik, also shared a very timely message to us, on we being "a sent community, an apostolic community to reconcile the world to Himself in Christ" (2 Cor 5: 18-20). Indeed, Missions is about the Ministry of Reconciliation. As I left the place with much joy, I was reminded once again of the following verses.

"Every heart with Christ is a Missionary,
Every heart without Christ is a Mission Field"

Mrs. Rhema Rao (TRAC)