01 Apr 2007

April 2007- MMM - TAC Mission Trip to Nepal

Migrant Returnees

 Fellowship with Nepalese Pastors

Worship at Wesley Church, Kathmandu

Ministry to the only Christian family in the hills

New Church with worshippers

A group of ten leaders from Malaysian Missionary Movement - TAC went on a mission trip to Nepal from 14–24 February 2007. The team included the President, Rev. P. Tevaraji, senior pastors and leaders.
The main focus of the trip was mission exposure, ministry adoption possibilities and to visit Nepali migrant workers who have returned from Malaysia. Although we started the trip with a 12 hour flight delay and had a “cold welcome” of 2 degrees Celsius in Kathmandu we had a very exciting time thereafter, with very good team spirit.
Some of the highlights of our trip are described here.
The “mountain Tamang tribe.”
This is an unreached people group (UPG) in central Nepal that we visited. After a two hour bus journey the supposed 30 minute walk to their village took 2 ½ hours through mountainous terrain. Though very tired the team was still in good spirit.
We met with families who are completely cut off from urban life and communications. It made us realize how difficult it is to reach some these groups in Nepal. We were challenged by the missionaries there, Mr and Mrs Deepak Bardewa, by their commitment to the call and love for these unreached peoples.
Visiting Nepali Returnees
Meeting up with some of these migrant Nepalis was a cause of great joy for all of us. About 14 TAC churches are involved in ministry to Nepali migrants in Malaysia. Some shared how they are growing in the Lord and reaching out to their own families and communities. Some are in Bible schools and serving as evangelists and pastors.
We visited a church in Ghorkah which was built by one of these returnees. The church has more than 150 members including children. It was a joy to meet the leaders and members and to visit the homes of some of the Nepali brothers who had worked in Malaysia. We handed over the money raised by TMC KL for their church building fund.
The Challenges in Nepal
We visited several churches and were exposed to various Nepali worship services. We had the opportunity to visit the Wesley Methodist Church which has just been formed.

We also had the opportunity to meet with senior pastors and leaders of mission agencies and ministries, and Bible schools in Nepal.
We learnt a lot from this trip. Besides giving us a taste of beautiful Nepal, hiking over Serankot mountain and shopping (of course), we also realized the great challenge faced by missionaries and mission agencies of reaching these unreached people groups cut off from civilization.
Reaching Nepal for Christ can be made easier if our churches in Malaysia work together amongst the Nepali migrant population to reach them for Christ.