01 Jan 2007

January 2007- Open Heavens, Global Missions

Some Highlights from the President's Address - 31st Session Trinity Annual Conference

Rev. Ong Hwai Teik explained the vision statement “Open Heavens, Global Missions” as referring to God rending open the heavens and the coming of the Spirit upon Jesus at his baptism, and at Pentecost the Spirit’s empowering the church for global missions.
The whole statement includes the theme “Transforming, Redeeming, Abiding, Community (TRAC) in Christ” which gives a “snapshot” of what TRAC is to be like, as God’s people indwelt by the presence of the Holy God.
The Five Essentials
This statement of vision and mission is worked out in the Five Essentials that have been identified as areas for development: Leadership Development, Building Community, Missions and Outreach, Discipleship & Spirituality, Family: Children, Youth & Seniors Ministries.
There is much to be thankful for over the last five years – the growth in the prayer movement, progress is evangelism through avenues like the Alpha Program, a greater synergy and focus in missions, growth of outreach work to at least four ethnic migrant communities, advance in Youth ministries through the Jeremiah School and YLDP, leadership empowering in LPL trained leaders and supply pastors.
Barriers to the “Wind”
At the same time Rev. Ong raised concerns that could become barriers to the “wind” of the Holy Spirit. Some of these were his observations from his visits to the different churches and Districts.
  • A distracted agenda
    TRAC must not forget to “keep our main business the main business” – that is the ministry of reconciling people to the living God, as Christ’s ambassadors.
  • Relational barriers
    The importance of the highest quality of fellowship in unity, sincerity, humility, mercy, forgiveness and mutual submission should characterize the people of God.
  • Institutional and dynamic community
    To be aware of the maintenance mentality and “risk averse” culture of institutionalism that can stifle initiatives and outreach to groups outside the established institution. Soul cultivation must precede institution building.
  • The “modern problems” of overwork, relativism and consumerism
    The secular world deceives us to think our identity, meaning and satisfaction lie only in our work and in the status given us by the things we possess. Hence the predominance of a culture of overwork (not the same as hard work), and a consumerist lifestyle that become an idol in place of God and service to Him.

    Heading into 2007
    Rev. Ong then shared some important issues TRAC should work towards 2007.

  • Church Planting in urban areas 
    Go to where the people are setting up “shop-lot size” churches that “will be most sustainable … in terms of cost, every member participation, manageable leadership and administration.”
  • A Vibrant Prayer Movement 
    This will under gird the desire for renewal and revival in Malaysia. To encourage every church in intercession by appointing a prayer coordinator, developing the School for Intercessors syllabus, training and networking.
  • Global Missions 
    To strengthen Annual Conference level organization to enable greater synergized involvement by churches through combined missions exposure, taking on projects and mission work in the adopted countries, and co-support sent out missionaries.

  • Our Christian Family Life
    In the face of widespread breakdown of family life, it is crucial to acknowledge the struggles in the domestic realm and build up this core basic unit of our social fabric. A strong Christian family will not only make a strong family of Christ in the local church but it is essential for effective and credible witness to the world.  

  • Establishing Ministry Centers 
    These centers for the “least, last and lost” are expressions of integral and holistic mission of transformation as the proclamation and demonstration of the gospel. This is to continue in the way of social holiness as taught by John Wesley.
  • Institute for Christian Ministry 
    This is to be a national (TRAC) training vehicle that can coordinate the programs across the Boards, provide integrated training in alignment to the goals of the AC, utilizing and pooling the resources and processes for collective training and empowering.

These plans and programs are made effective as “open heavens” are sought in the coming and presence of the Holy Spirit.