01 Jan 2007

January 2007-31st Session Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference

28 November-1 December 2006, Sibu

Commissioning the missionariesOrdination of Elders and Deacons
One of the memorable occasions of any Annual Conference is the ordination of pastors. This is not so only for the specific individuals concerned and their family members, but it is also a time for the whole church to rejoice in this recognition of those who have given their lives to serve the Lord.
Four Elders and five Deacons were ordained by Bishop Hwa Yung during the 31st Session SCAC on 29th November in Masland Church, Sibu. A choir comprising of almost 100 pastors sang an anthem during the service.Rev. Su Chii Ann and Rev. Tony Chieng
Rev. Dr. Su Chii Ann, President of SCAC, reminded the newly ordained pastors to be faithful to the calling. “A pastor has a very honourable name,” he said.
Using the text from 1 Thess. 2:1-13, Rev. Su spoke of the three names that pastors bear: Apostles of Christ, Gentle Mothers, Encouraging Fathers.
Commissioning Missionaries
Four long term overseas missionary and one local missionary were commissioned during the Annual Conference. The local missionary will be teaching the Penan children at Pa Adang. She was a kindergarten teacher for four years.
Two of the long term missionaries will serve in Cambodia, one a retired teacher and the other worked as an administrator for thirteen years. The other two is a couple newly married who will be serving in North Africa.
New Conference Leaders
Among the newly elected Conference leaders were Mr Ting Kong Siin the Annual Conference Secretary General; Mr Hii Ching Chiong, the Conference Lay Leader; Mr Chang Jih Ren and Dr. Wong Sung Ging, the 1st and 2nd Associate Lay Leader respectively.
Compiled from Connection
15 December 2006