01 Nov 2011

November/December 2011 - Arts (Books)

Knowing the Word of God

The Enduring Word
Author: Robert M. Solomon
Publisher: ARMOUR Publishing Pte Ltd

A Review of the Enduring Word:
The Authority and Reliability of the Bible by Robert M. Solomon

The Bible is the most important book in the world because it is God’s Word. But why are there so many versions of Bible? Why do some Bibles contain ‘extra books’? How do we know if the Bible we have today can be trusted as the Word of God?

Questions such as these often pepper conversations about the Bible. Many of us do not know much about how the Bible came about and persisted till its current form today.

Bishop Robert Solomon in his latest book The Enduring Word helpfully answers these and similar questions. All Christians will benefit hugely from the research and material contained in the book. The author is exceptional at introducing historical and theoretical concepts of Bible translation to the lay Christian simply and easily yet with much scholarly insight.

The book demystifies issues such as the canon, biblical manuscripts, textual variations, base texts, and bible translation. Apart from narrating the history of the Bible, Bishop Solomon also compares and contrasts popular English versions and discusses complicated passages like the Johannine Comma. The Enduring Word aims to inform readers of the facts and to strengthen their confidence in the authority and reliability of the Bible – so that it con-tinues to be read seriously and obeyed.

By Woon Tien Li