01 Mar 2012

March/April 2012 - 第卅六届华人年议会 (Chinese Annual Conference)


经过一年,又到华人年议会检讨工作的时候。在众人同心合一下,我们有很多事工逐步开展:既有教师团契的成立,也有儿童事工"福儿院"的初步探讨。乐龄团契的元老营和青年领袖大会已告一段落,妇女会倾力支持的宣教事工在泰北设立华人教会,正如火如荼地展开。美门事工,巴生谷的青年崇拜(My Fellowship)等,全都在策划及进行中,真可谓是忙碌的一年。作诗的人说: "我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华!凡在我里面的,也要称颂他的圣名!我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华!不可忘记他的一切恩惠!"(诗篇103: 1-2

430日至51日,第二届全国卫理祷告会于东马诗巫晶木酒店宴会厅顺利举行,共3400余教牧及会友出席。吾年议会则有343位代表,仅次于拥有2338位代表的砂拉越华人年议会。大会主题为:"宣扬圣经圣洁,更新转化国家"。讲员是南非卫理公会的信徒Mr. Graham Power,为世界祷告日的创办人,其祷告运动已传遍全世界每个国家。另一讲员则是台湾的夏忠坚牧师。



2.历史的一刻卫理公会与泰国基督总会签署宣教伙伴备忘录。223日,本人与华勇会督、年议会文书黄约辉牧师、宣教部主席黄敬映传道代表卫理公会及华人年议会远赴泰国清迈与泰国基督教会(CCT)代表签署宣教伙伴谅解备忘录,签署仪式于当地时间下午6时进行。代表CCT的四人为总干事Rev. Sayam、主席Rev. Dr.Boonratna Boayen 、副主席陈克仁博士、财政Chusak Wuthiwaropas 长老。出席观礼见证者约卅。

3.华人年议会与CCT第二区签署福音伙伴备忘录。419日,本人与黄敬映传道再次前往泰国,主要是与泰国基督教总会第二区签署备忘录。这签署是必须的,我们设于泰国卫理公会阿佧族宣教教区就隶属这区。签署地点位于清莱省CCT第二区总部,早上1030分,代表本会签署者包括本人、黄敬映传道、泰北宣教区联络员王昆和牧师、庞忠昌传道,而CCT第二区代表则为区主席Rev. Sawang

4.探讨印度科钦宣教事工。印度科钦使徒教会(The Apostolic Ministries of India )的 T. S. Moses牧师希望我们协助他们在印度的福音事工。92023日,本人与宣教部文书郑建发牧师,赴此地考察,得到摩西牧师及其四位同工迎迓。此组织属下教会已由六个集会所增至八间教会,八位同工(皆无薪水),大小信徒500余,最大教会为200人。雪邦牧区已组15人宣教队,于明年5月间赴印度作宣教实地考察。目前,此教会已自行易名为"印度卫理使徒教会"The Methodist Apostolic Ministries of India)。




年会、金宝牧区、金宝美门基金会获赠土地。4月23日,在吾会会友金宝区国会议员兼内政部副部长拿督李志亮弟兄穿针引线下,我们得到怡保Dasar Afdal (PK) Sdn.Bhd.赠送三块各一英亩的土地,皆位于离金宝市区5公里之遥的新发展区。 







1.乐龄团契上海、温州旅游兼 探访教会之行,3310日,共20 人参与。 

2.第四届年会元老营7月6至8日,在实兆远红土坎“Marina Island Resort”举行,主题为“用我一生”。此次元老营出席人数为历届之最,达415。尚有少许人被拒。

131214日,于邦咯岛办单 身营,共68人参与,主题为:"走出 自己的天空——情归何处"

252830日,于马六甲皇冠 酒店办家庭营,主题:"——我的 家3",讲员:陈朝强牧师与郑仁娇 师母。

3.举办政治讲座会、企业人上班 族餐会、羽球比赛等。 

4.教师团契推介礼感恩礼拜于3 19日下午5时,在吉隆坡卫理公会 举行。当晚主席是范素霞姐妹,出 席者约200余。 

2012年起,迈向五个事工发展: 献身者跟进事工、宣教事工、培训 事工、联办青年营会和加强各区青 少年事工联系。

年议会自2005年底提呈开设布道 所计划以来,从200611月至2011 1112日,共设立27间布道所。 

L)巴生谷卫理青年崇拜→My Fellowship青年崇拜。 
2020年,吉隆坡与巴生谷周边城市人口将从六百万增至一千万,华裔人口占百分之五十,即四百至 五百万。据报导,我国每三人就有 一人是青少年。据福音机构调查,青少年较容易接受福音,大约75% 信徒是于25岁以前信主。面对这么庞大的青少年人口,这是开拓"青年教会",宣教、牧养青少年的契机!

建议凝聚巴生谷众教会青年的群体力量,开设以青少年为主的卫理青年崇拜,称为 "My Fellowship 青年崇拜",为他们提供活动、侍奉的空间。

结语:展望未来 再出发

)一旦下决定,就要付出时间、 努力、资源等去落实,快去做。 

b)避免冷淡,要创造实质架构或 方向:向员工描绘成功和愿景,帮助他们达到目的,让他们知道你对他们的期望。


拥有梦想能让年议会锐化焦点、确定目标。20年后,巴生谷中城及 城市一带的教会将倍增。届时,年议会将取得惊人进展,许多迁入此区域的弟兄姐妹在灵性上将得益不少,也能彼此守望、相互问责。让我们学像保罗,向神支取能力:"我靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能做。"(腓4:13

Giving Thanks For The Past

It is time for the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) to review our ministries after a year. Together we have served and we have expanded a few ministries, like the establishment of Teachers Fellowship and the Methodist Children’s Home. The CAC Methodist Women Fellowship is very supportive of our mission work in Northern Thailand, especially in the building of Chinese Churches. Beautiful Gate ministry and My Fellowship in the Klang Valley are ongoing ministries. All in all it was a busy year. However, we acknowledge God’s hand in all that we were able to accomplish and as the Psalmist proclaims: “Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his Holy Name. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” (Psalms 103: 1-2).

Below are the reports of all ministries from previous year. 
A) Second Methodist Prayer Conference. 
The Second Methodist Prayer Conference was held from 30th April to 1st May, 2011 and the venue was Kingwood Hotel, Sibu. 3400 ministers and lay members attended. CAC was represented by 343 representatives and we were the second largest group after the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference’s (SCAC) which had 2338 representatives attending. The theme of the Conference was "Spreading Scrip-tural Holiness, Transforming the Nation". There were two speakers. The first was Mr. Graham Power from South Africa Methodist Church, who was also the founder of the Global Day of Prayer that had impacted the prayer movement world wide. The other speaker was Rev. James Hsia from Taiwan.

B) 6th World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches (WFCMC) Youth Leaders Conference 
The conference was held on 15th-18th July, 2011 at Makhota Hotel, Melaka. The keynote address was delivered by the President of CAC. There were altogether 500 participants representing Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Australia. 58 of them responded to God’s call, 32 of whom were from CAC.

C) Missionaries
1. Northern Thailand Chinese Ministry.
The first Thai Chinese Methodist Church was launched on 2nd January, 2011. The worshipers included Pastor Xiong Yi, Mr. and Mrs. Lim. After a few months, the highest number of worshipers recorded was 32, including children. The average number of worshipers ranges between 15 to 18 people. The church is new and it has yet to be decided to which district it should belong under the Council of Churches in Thailand.

2. Historical Moment: Methodist Church in Malaysia signed a memorandum of co-partnership with the Council of Churches in Thailand (CCT). On 23rd of February, Bishop Hwa Yung, Rev. Dr. Ng Geok Hooi (Secretary of CAC), Pastor Wong King Iion (Chairman of the Evangelistic Department) representing CAC to Chiang Rai and I signed the memorandum of co-partnership with CCT. The four representatives from CCT were Rev. Sayam, Rev. Dr.Boonratna Boayen (Chairman), Dr. Chen Ke Ren (Vice Chairman), Chusak Wuthiwaropas (Treasurer). 30 others who were present acted as witnesses.

3. The Second Memorandum Signed with CCT. On 19th April 2011, Pastor Wong King Iion and I went to Thailand to sign the second memorandum with CCT. This agreement is necessary because of our mission field, The Arka Tribe is located in the Second District of CCT. The signing of the second memorandum took place in the headquarters of CCT’s Second District located in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Representatives of CAC include Pastor Wong King Iion, Northern Thailand Mission District Communicator Rev. Wong Kong Hoo, Pastor Pang Zhong Cang and I. Representatives from CCT’s Second District were Rev. Sawang (Second District Leader), the Treasurer and the Secretary. 

4. The Apostolic Ministries of India Exploration. Pastor T.S. Moses from The Apostolic Ministries of India hoped that we would help them in mission work in India. Rev. Tay Kian Huat (Secretary of the Evangelism Department) and I decided to pay a visit to that place. We were welcomed by Rev. Moses and his team members. The church planting ministry had seen growth from 6 chapels to 8 churches. There were 8 volunteers serving the congregation of 500 members. Sepang Chinese Methodist Church organized a short mission trip to India in May. That mission work in India is now called The Methodist Apostolic Ministries of India.

D) Social Concerns 
1. Jesus Loves Children: Methodist Children’s Home. We intend to build the first Methodist Children’s Home in the coming 3 to 5 years. There are four places proposed: Setiawan, Selangor District, Kinta District and Penang. The running model of the Home will be drawn up by the Annual Conference’s Social Concerns Board. The committee for the Home will include the District Superintendent and Director of Social Concerns. 

2. Encourage all districts to organize Christmas celebrations. 

3. Beautiful Gate Ministry. International Conference on Accessible Tourism was held on 25-28 November 2011 to discuss the importance of upgrading facilities for the disabled in our country.

E) Trustees
CAC, Kampar Chinese Methodist Church and Kampar Beautiful Gate were awarded land. On 23rd April, with the support and assistance from Datuk Lee Chee Leong (Member of Parliament cum Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Security and Home Affairs), three pieces of land of one acre each were donated by Dasar Afdal (PK) Sdn. Bhd. The pieces of land are located in a new development district which is 5km away from Kampar.

F) Christian Education 
1. Training for Teachers in Teenagers Character Building Camp. The details of 4 training sessions are listed below: [table] The speakers are from the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference and there will be Bible based teaching on issues relevant to teenagers today. 

2. Isaiah School. It is the 13th anniversary of the ministry and the last batch comprised 21 students. The CAC Board of Ministry will redesign the syllabus in 2012, and will publish it in 2013. 

3. Training Camp for Kindergarten School Teachers and Principals. An estimated number of 111 of teachers and 20 principals are expected to attend the training camp that will be held from 31st May to 3rd June at Wisma Methodist.

G) Methodist Women Fellowship
1. Visited churches in Shanghai, Wen Zhou on March. 20 members participated.
2. Senior Fellowship Conference last year had the biggest participation ever. There were 415 members who took part in the conference.

HSenior Fellowship
1. Visited churches in Shanghai, Wen Zhou on March. 20 members participated.
2. Senior Fellowship Conference last year had the biggest participation ever. There were 415 members who took part in the conference.

I) Adult Fellowship
1. Organized a camp for singles on 12th-13th of March at Pulau Pangkor.
2. "Love My Home" family camp was held at Makhota Hotel, Melaka on 28th-30th May.
3. Seminar on politics was held. A Badminton Competition was also held.
4. Teachers Fellowship was held on 19th March at the Kuala Lumpur Methodist Church. 200 attended. 

J) Youth Ministry 
2012 onwards, there will be follow-up of those young people who have offered themselves for mission work. There will be training, youth camps and strengthening of connections among youth ministries in all districts.

K) Evangelical 
Since 2005, 27 preaching points have been set up.  

L) Youth Service in the Klang Valley: My Fellowship Youth Service
The year 2020 will see the estimated population increase in Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley from 6 million to 10 million. 50 percent of the population is Chinese, which is nearly 5 million people. According to statistics, one out of three persons, is a youth. Youths are more reluctant to accept the gospel. However, it will be a good challenge for us to witness to the young people. The churches in the Klang Valley will intentionally look into this potential and set up youth services for Methodist youths which will be named MY Fellowship Youth Service. We will provide activities, spiritual nurture and a platform for serving. 

Conclusion: Looking Forward and Begin
Three Elements to Success in Leadership and Teamwork. An interview with a renowned car maker was published in the Nan Yang Siang Pau on 29th of August. In that interview, the key elements of success in Leadership and Teamwork were highlighted. These may prove useful to our pastors and leaders. 
a) Once a decision is made, give it your time, effort and resources to ensure that it is finished and completed as quickly as possible. 
b) Avoid mere discussion. You have to create a proper structure or direction to lead your staff towards success and help them to achieve the goal. In that way, they will be focused and be goal orientated. 
c) As a leader, you have to learn to trust your staff. More importantly, you have to create a platform for your staff to contribute and do their best. 

Having dreams and vision will make CAC more focused. Twenty years from now, churches in the Klang Valley will be doubled. There will not only be physical growth but our brothers and sisters in the district will also grow spiritually. At the same time they will watch over each other, and be mutually accountable. Let’s learn from Paul and draw our strength from God: "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength," (Phil 4:13).