01 Jan 2007

January 2007- Disciples in Missions

Highlights from the President's Address (SCAC)

Rev. Dr. Su Chii AnnRev. Dr. Su Chii Ann gave a brief overview of the past year in the ministry areas of prayer, Bible study, evangelism, missions and stewardship. He shared about meeting one church member who has read the Bible 96 times, and encouraged everyone to study the Bible at least once in the coming year.
One highlight to note is the 22 missionaries the Conference has sent overseas. Rev. Su spoke of the target for 50 missionaries to be commissioned by 2010. This target can be met by raising 6-7 more missionaries each year.
Rev. Su attributed the strength and growth of the church to the unique connectional system of the Methodist Church. He called for the continued appreciation and practice of such a system because it enables a strong network and relationship between the members, local church, Districts, Annual Conference and General Conference. The church is one, supporting and working together to accomplish the task God has entrusted to her.
Looking Ahead to 2007-2008
Drawing on the GC quadrennial theme Rev. Su proposed the theme “Disciples in Missions” for the next two years. The focus is on both discipleship in the church membership and encouraging them for missions.
How can this be done? What strategies are to be adopted? Rev. Su highlighted some of these.
  • New converts are to understand they are starting a new Christian pilgrimage, to grow from baptism class, confirmation class and a 3-year TOP program for discipleship.
  • Church members will be urged to take the Disciple 1,2,3 and 4 courses.
  • Part of this building of discipleship will be participating in short or long term missions. After these mission trips they can be organized into Covenant Discipleship Groups.
  • In this focus the strategy is a people-oriented ministry, winning, nurturing, building up and training people first rather than physical development.
Rev. Su ended with some suggestions on how some ministries of the churches can have a greater impact by extending their services and training to other Districts, thereby enlarging the scope of their ministry.