01 Mar 2012

March/April 2012 - 华人年议会第七届卫理少年大会 (Chinese Annual Conference)

主题为《心deep启航之学海无涯》- 慧怡 报导

201265-8日是马来西亚华人年议会第七届卫理少年大会,地点在假曼绒教区南华独中。这一届的大会我们得到了台湾体验教育团队及卫理SEALS团队全力的协助下,打造了一场贴近及贴切少年人日常生活;并活力及合适少年人的 "Live Camp"

本届卫理少年大会的主题为《心deep启航之学海无涯》,这个主题的产生是经过华人年议会属下八大 教区,在牧者、少年团契导师及少年职员的配搭下,向约两百位的少年人发出及收集到调查问卷的结 果。在这些调查问卷分析的结果下,我们发现约80%的少年人认为"学业"是他们最关心,但同时也深感压力的任务。因此这届卫理少年大会的宗旨是为了帮助少年人懂得如何管理时间及晓得如何承受学业压力,以致能在成绩上荣神益人。 


为此,于少年大会之前,台湾体验教育团队及卫理SEALS团队将于429日至51日假芙蓉马来西亚神学院举办少年大会导师及义工培训,让有意在少年大会中作导师或义工 的弟兄姐妹,了解少年大会的整个流程及活动内容,并得以受足够的装备、做足够的准备。在此呼吁凡对少年事工有负担者,请委身报名参加此次的导师及义工培训,并于少年大会中服事少年人。

English Translation
The Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) is holding their 7th Intermediate Youth Conference on the 5th to the 8th of June 2012. This conference would be held at the Nan Hwa High School which is situated at the Manjung District in Perak. This year, the CAC MIYF would be working together with the CAC SEALS team and the Experiential Education team from Taiwan. The main thrust of the conference would be in the form of a Life Camp which would be suitable for the lifestyle of the teenagers.

A survey was done by the CAC MIYF through the local church pastors, MIYF coordinators and committees from the 8 CAC districts. The survey showed that though nearly 80% of the teenagers had their studies as their top priority in life, it was also the main reason for stress in their lives. Thus, the Conference this year would be aimed in addressing this issue by giving them guidance in proper time management and ways of easing their pressured student lives.

One of the concerns of the CAC MIYF is the lack of participation of youth in the local church and local MIYF activities. This is due to the immense attraction of the world through media and commercials. Though they are the future leaders of the church, the current pressures of the teenage life are wearing them down. It is desired that this conference would be able to give them some pastoral guidance. Thus teenagers between the ages of 12 to 18 are strongly encouraged to join this conference.

Preparation for this conference would begin with a training seminar on the 29th of April to the 1st of May 2012. This seminar would be led by both the SEALS team and the Experiential Education team from Taiwan and is open for volunteers and MIYF Conductors. .Thus volunteers and MIYF conductors are encouraged to join this seminar as they would be trained and equipped with the understanding of the flow of the conference.

[Pastor Hwei Yee is the conductor of CAC Central District MIYF and pastoring in Kepong Chinese Methodist Church]