01 Mar 2012

March/April 2012 - Arts (Books)

The Bible and the Ballot

The Bible and the Ballot

Publisher: Friends in Conversation and Graceworks 

"How do we relate Christianity with political engagement in Malaysia today?" - Joshua Woo, "Introduction" 

In The Bible and the Ballot, six friends come together to wrestle with this question that is so paramount in living our lives as Malaysian Christians or Christian Malaysians. The book is aimed at encouraging Malaysian Christians to seriously think through the political situation of the country and our Christian duty as citizens.

Revolving around the themes of democracy and citizenry, prayer and righteousness, the seven reflections contained in the book are perfect for a week of musings. The contributors address various concerns that affect our lives and how we can respond in a Christ-like manner. Issues such as religious freedom, illegal candlelight vigils, the Official Secrets Act, corruption and race-based politics are highlighted in the discussions.

Besides articulating their thoughts, the contributors include practical steps which we can take, for instance, voting wisely and praying for our country. To that end, The Bible and the Ballot has eight pages of prayer pointers – a comprehensive guide to praying for the church, the economy, politics and the government of Malaysia. The call to prayer contained in The Bible and the Ballot has been endorsed by 34 national and senior Christian leaders.

With a Foreword by Rt Rev Datuk Ng Moon Hing, Anglican Bishop of West Malaysia, The Bible and the Ballot is a timely publication that challenges us to be courageous and act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before God (Micah 6:8).

“How can Christians be a blessing to Malaysia?” - Rev. Sivin Kit, “Afterword”
The Bible and the Ballot seeks to answer this question by reflecting on the themes of democracy and citizenry, prayer and righteousness. The seven articles in the book address various concerns that affect our lives. Be it religious freedom, illegal candlelight vigils, the Official Secrets Act, corruption or race-based politics, the contributors discuss how we can respond to such issues in a Christ-like manner.

The contributors are indeed no armchair theologians or critics. These thought-provoking reflections were borne out of action – an illegal candlelight vigil, an Islamic forum, the recent Bersih 2.0 rally. Readers are challenged to take simple, practical steps, such as voting and praying.

To that end, The Bible and the Ballot has eight pages of prayer pointers – a valuable guide to praying for the church, the economy, politics and the government of Malaysia. That God listens to the cries of His people ought to propel us to pray for righteousness and justice, and against wickedness and evil.

By Tien Li

With a Foreword by Rt Rev Datuk Ng Moon Hing, Anglican Bishop of West Malaysia, The Bible and the Ballot is a timely publication that compels us to be consider how we who are blessed can in turn bless others (Genesis 12:2).