01 May 2012

May 2012 - A Summary of the SCAC President's Address, 36th Session SCAC

By Rev. Dato' Dr. Su Chii Ann, President of SCAC

布道植堂 家庭关怀 作主门徒


会友捐从RM9,074,915增加到RM10,167,731,即12%增长。复活捐增加2%。感恩捐增加5%。四项捐平均增加10%。每位崇拜者每年平均奉献RM1,654。 经济部如何作每年的预算案?以今年预算案来说,基本上教牧薪金占总预算案38%;事工费用34%;硬体发展20%, 以及经常费用8%。这是一个相当健康的预算案。

祷告会由5,292人增加到5,676人,7%增长率。受门徒、三福、顶峰课程和其他课程装备的人数为5,573人。新收小洗,成洗和正式会友有2,526人,3%增长,达到四年一万人信主每年2,500人的目标。现在教会共有95,107信徒。(今年小洗1%; 成洗25%;会友4%增长。)

今年共有海外宣教士26位,2(完成第一期,不再继续)2(述职进修)2位宣教系毕业生以及9位宣教系学生。本地宣教士共有5位,明年加多一位,集中在Ulu Belaga宣教。







培育门徒需要个人扎实的操练基本功:个人灵修,祷告,读经和参加主日崇拜。如希伯来书5:12-6:1 所说:“看你们学习的工夫,本该作师傅,谁知还得有人将神圣言小学的开端,另教导你们。并且成了那必须吃奶,不能吃干粮的人。凡只能吃奶的,都不熟练仁义的道理。因为他是婴孩。惟独长大成人的,才能吃干粮,他们的心窍,习练得通达,就能分辨好歹了。所以,我们应当离开基督道理的开端,竭力进到完全的地步。”






在会友方面,各教区或堂会可以个别举办"国际领袖训练"ILI)或"历史开创者" (History Makers) 领 袖课程,来动员会友在家庭、教会和社会中作有品格和榜样的领导者。

以上的装备领袖心路历程都应该是各教区和堂会领袖装备的蓝本,最基本的是:我们所提供的装备 (课程或训练会)所装备出来的领袖是我们所要的领袖吗?因此,我们必须了解我们教会五年或十年后所需要的领袖。如果没有异象,教会就无方向了。 


其中特别提到本国人口逐渐高龄化的趋向:到了2020年高龄人口将达340万人,占总人口9.9%。到2030年时,本国60岁以上的人口将占总人口的15%。为了乐龄人士实践积极和喜乐的人生(active aging),在知体灵群四方面成长,其中行动之一就是:今年,砂拉越中区(诗巫、加帛、民丹、泗里街)开办了卫理乐龄学习中心,共有40多名学生。明年,在南区(古晋)和北区(民都鲁、美里)也开办卫理乐龄学习中心。



本会在这四年中的布道目标是:"万人信主受洗入会成为主的门徒"。感谢上帝和教会的参与,过去 两年和今年都达到预期的目标:一年2,500人信主进入教会。现在,本会有95,107信徒。请按着布道部所规定的布道人数作计划,让我们向着十万个信徒的目标前进!




我们应该了解,在我国总基督徒人口当中,60%的基督徒是原住民。他们应该是真正教会的带领 者。但,目前的实况是:他们(尤其是年轻人)迁居市区失落信仰,在家乡/长屋深受异教化之风左右,原住民教会经济短缺和受到世俗化的影响,他们所面对的挑战、诱惑和迷失是在所难免的。在这种情况下,华人教会该如何与他们一起负起训练牧者、培育领袖、装备门徒,使他们刚强起来,将来成为教会的发言人和耶稣的见证人?针对目前的需要,就是透过教育,从小用圣经教导儿童;在乡区开办"学前教育"是刻不容缓的工作,免得其他团体捷足先登,影响儿童和居民,后悔不及。我们可以与SIB教会合作。我们在 Ulu Belaga 也必须拟定开办"学前教育"的学校和课程,有策略性的进行教育宣教。希望在策略小组中,注意国语事工的探讨。





在结论时,我们必须留意两件事:1. 我们已经推动教会168蓝图,至今长达7年,发现多半堂会在推行中,使牧者牧养和会友建立教会有方向,有重点和有使命。为了在加强教会168蓝图,在此附上"SCAC教会168蓝图在堂会的落实"样本,在堂会中,研讨与落实。2. 我们教会推动事工的方式和策略。年会策划蓝图/事工;教区传递蓝图/事工;堂会落实蓝图/事工。举例说明:



English Translation
Ministry Focus: Church Planting, Family Enrichment, Discipleship
We thank God for leading our church in the past 110 years! We also appreciate how the pastors, church leaders and members have obeyed the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in making disciples locally and globally. Our emphases are in the areas of worship, education, equipping leaders, social concerns, evangelism and missions. Let me quote some statistics (comparing 2010 and 2011 figures) to illustrate our growth as a conference. The Sunday worship service attendance has increased by 3% from 28,544 to 29,358.

Members’tithing has increased and the amount has increased by 2% from RM9,074,915 to RM10,167,731; Offerings on Easter Sunday has increased by 2%, Thanksgiving Sunday offering increased by 5%. The average offering of a worshipper is RM1,654 per annum. What is our annual budget? It is based on the following allocation percentage: Pastors’salaries 38%, Ministry expenses 34%, Physical development 20%, and Operational expenses 8%. This is a healthy budget. Church Prayer Meeting has a 7% increase in attendance, from 5,292 to 5,676 people. There are 5,573 members who join training classes like "Disciples", "EE III", "TOP" and other spiritual formation semi-nars.

As far as our "Evangelism Campaign" is concerned, the target is 10,000 Baptisms, with an increase of 2,500 each year. We have reached beyond our target this year. The number of our present overseas missionaries is 26. Two more will be commissioned next year. We have 5 local missionaries working among the Penans in Ulu Belaga, doing mission through education.

We must thank God for His mighty work in our Conference, but we need to study the statistics from another angle.

Our Sunday School again records a drop of 1% in attendance, from 9,526 to 9,444. The drop in attendance are also recorded in WF (-1%), MAF (-4%), MJAF(-7%), MYF (-4%) and JMYF(-17%).

Another observation is that there is a drop of 2% in Chinese New Year Service offering, and a tremendous drop in Special Ministry Fund this year. For the Special Ministry Fund, next year is the last year for us to contribute. At this juncture, I must congratulate 4 churches in Sibu West District on their completion of contributing to the Special Ministry Fund this year! They are Cheng Uong Church, Hin Onn Preaching Centre, Yuan Nan Church and Hong Ang Church. One fact that troubles our hearts is that only 41% of our total membership turns up for Sunday Worship Service. Where are the 59%?

Let us recall what Jesus said in His Great Commission: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. You must therefore go and make the people of all nations my disciples. You must baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and you must teach them to obey all the commands I have given you. An there is not a day when I will not be with you to the end of time." (Matthew 28:18-20)

Jesus has promised to be with us everyday. Do we live as His disciples everyday? This is really a great challenge.

Our Blueprint focuses on discipleship in 6 main ministries: Worship, Education, Equipping leaders, Social Concerns, Evangelism and Missions.

Hebrew 5:12-6:1 says, "By now you should have been teachers, but once again, you need to be taught the simplest things about what God has said. You need milk instead of solid food. People who live on milk are like babies who do not really know what is right. Solid food is for mature people who have been trained to know right from wrong. We must try to become mature and start thinking about more than just the basic things we were taught about Christ." Christ desires his followers to act on the basic practices, like personal Quiet Time, prayer, studying the Bible and Sunday services and grow into maturity.

We need to pay special attention to our Sunday Worship Services. We have to review it from time to time. The following are some suggestions:
1. Try to hold the ordinary worship service within 1 hour and 15 minutes. 
2. Train God’s people to worship in spirit and in truth. Board of Worship and Music has a vision to train 50 Directors by year 2030 to help improve the worship in church music and hymns.
3. Publish "Introduction to Hymn Singing" every year to help people appreciate the hymns their background, content, main points and messages.
4. Motivate the 41% worshippers to bring back the other 59% people who are lost and do not attend Sunday service.

Our founder, John Wesley, often taught his members the Word of God through bands, societies and class meetings. We follow his example by teaching our people God’s Word through talks and seminars. Next year, "Methodist Belief That Matters" seminars will still continue in 9 Districts. Rev. Su will talk about "Methodist Belief: Reformation and Implementation", "Last Days: 2012?" by Rev. Thomas Lau, and "Worship: To God or For Self-satisfaction?" by Rev. Lu Chen Tiong. 

Our church continues to launch mission through education. Board of Education is entrusted to find out the possibility of establishing “Methodist Private Schools”. After more than one year of research and discussions, the Board proposes before all of you a “Methodist Private School” Project Proposal, with the rationale, vision, mission statement, funding sources, program, strategy and implementation plans. We pray that we can reclaim this mission field soon. 

Board of Christian Education, Board of Lay Activities and Board of Evangelism this year have come out with the lifelong learning program, called "Methodists Growing Towards Maturity". The program demonstrates the best materials on Christian growth and discipleship in a systematic and user-friendly way.

Equipping leaders 
Every pastor must intentionally lead at least one member to become a pastor. More importantly, pastors must help familiarize the selected candidate in the areas of spiritual formation, counseling, character building, interpersonal relationship, and all aspects of pastoral ministry before he or she applies for theological training. Pastors must also give specific information with regards his or her character, family, church and working background so that the training authorities know how to equip him or her more effectively. 

As for equipping the church leaders, we will continue to train them through regional ILI and History Maker programs, to mobilize and enable them to become more effective leaders at home, in the church and society.

Basically, we must understand what kind of future pastors and leaders we need in the church and society, at least 5 or 10 years down the road. Then, we review and decide on the training program to suit this need. That is why we should examine "the pilgrimage of the leader" very closely every time we plan for the future leaders.

Social Concerns
Our population is aging. By 2020, 9.9% of our total membership will be senior citizens. By 2030, people above 60 years old will make up 15% of the total membership. We need to heed this group of people: How can we help them age graciously? In order to help them grow intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially, we will launch the Methodist Senior Learning Centre (MSLC) in Sibu this year. Next year, we will set up such Centres in Kuching and Miri.

Next year, Sibu West District will manage "Victory Home" which is a half way home for ex-prisoners. It serves to train ex-prisoners in daily living skills and help them adjust to society and lead normal lives. 

Our society faces other social issues, like single parents, unwedded pregnancy, and divorced couples who leave behind children to be taken care of by grandparents who are aging or they may end up with no one to take care of them. Our church is concerned about the children, and has formed a "Special Ministry Team" to help look into such social issues.

We have launched an "Evangelistic Campaign" annually since 2009. The target for each year is 2,500 baptisms. Praise be to God! For the past three years, we have achieved the target. Now our mem-bership has increased to 95,107, not far from achieving the number of 100,000 members.

In the face of complex social factors, lack of mutual trust, emphasis on privacy, rise of individualism and security reasons, we find it hard to do house to house personal evangelism. The people tend not to open their doors for visitations by pastors and zone leaders. It is time to consider other means of evangelism, such as friendship evangelism and relational evangelism. Here I would like to introduce a book to equip you to do evangelism: Norman Geisler and David Geisler, “Conversational Evangelism: How to Listen and Speak So You Can Be Heard”, Eugene: Harvest House, 2009.

In fact, one of the best ways to grow the church is by church planting. Next year, we will target to start 3 preaching points in Kuching East District, 2 in Kuching West District, 2 in Sarikei District, 1 each in Bintulu and Miri Districts. Sibu East District is planning to form into 2 Districts, with the aim to develop new gospel centres and to build more churches.

We must always be reminded that the indigenous Christians make up 60% of the Christian population in Malaysia. In actual fact, they are the real church leaders. Nowadays, the indigenous people migrate from villages to the towns. Away from home, the young people are free to do anything they like, forsaking their Christian faith, without attending church worship services and being influenced by Is-lamisation and Secularism. We need to help train the adults to be mature disciples of Christ, while we set up "Pre-School" classes for the children to gain knowledge and learn Christian faith. It is very urgent that we set up "Pre-School" classes for the Penan children in Ulu Belaga.

"Make disciples of all nations" is a command or imperative of the Great Commission, while “going (to spread the gospel), baptizing and teaching” are means to implement such mission.

If we talk about mission, we need to talk about discipleship. In another words, "discipleship" and "mission" should go together. If our church does not take discipleship seriously, it is hard to carry out mission both locally and overseas. If we just emphasize on mission and neglect the importance of discipleship, negative results will occur: Our members who do not grow spiritually are obstacles to carrying out mission; for those whose spiritual life is at the infant stage, they will not take mission to heart; it will be very hard to find missionaries if members do not cultivate the spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible study, personal Quiet Time, ministry and even discovering their spiritual gifts. If missionaries we send out are weak in spiritual life and ministry, the success rate of missionary survival will be very low. 

We must acknowledge that the gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached throughout the world, indicating that we love the world with the love of God. But at the same time, we need to ask: as part of the universal church, what can we do in world mission with limited resources that we have? Shall we continue to open up more new mission fields or concentrate on a few fruitful mission fields, working together with international mission agencies, such as WFCMC, SIM and OM?

In conclusion, I would like to highlight two important matters of concern: 
1. To effectively implement our church "Blueprint 168", a planning sheet is attached. Just plan your church program according to the Blueprint next year. 
2. Take note of the Annual Conference plans and programs. The Districts are to communicate the plans to the local churches for implementation.

For instance, Board of Evangelism has set out the plan for "Evangelistic Campaign: 10,000 Baptisms", Districts are to strategize and make it known to local churches for implementation. Board of Christian Social Concern has set out plans for "Victory Home", a half way home for ex-prisoners. Sibu West District will call all the local churches together to manage and run the home. Board of Education has drawn up the principles and policy of setting up Methodist Private Schools. If approved, Districts will take up the establishment and running of the schools, with the cooperation and resources from local churches.

This polity will definitely enhance our connection, pool our resources together, create stronger sense of mutual belonging and shared mission in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.