01 May 2007

May 2007-Harry Haines


Rev. J.H. Haines and family (from the Haines family album)The Rev. Dr. J. Harry Haines passed away on 29 March 2007 in Eugene, Oregon. He was 89 just three months short of his 90th birthday.

Rev. Haines served in Malaysia from 1951  to 1960 and would be best remembered in Wesley Methodist Church, Ipoh (1951 – 1955) and Wesley Kuala Lumpur (1956 – 1960). He was “very much of an extrovert, ebullient and good humoured, always ready with a smile and handshake …”

Before coming to Malaysia he served as a missionary in China in the 1940s.

After Malaysia he worked in the division of interchurch aid, refugees, and world service of the World Council of Churches. And from 1966 to his retirement in 1983 he was the Director of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).

Born on 29 June 1917 Rev. Haines was a native of New Zealand but studied in Australia, England and the United States. He and his wife Loma Housley, the daughter of missionaries, married in 1944. He is survived by his wife and two sons.