01 Jul 2013


Source/Author: By Michael William

It's the middle of the year 2013. Many things have happen to us as a church and a nation. Over the past month there have been many controversies, incidents and happenings that has caused much concern to everyone. Yet if we take a closer look at our country, we just ave to realize that life goes on. The truth of the matter is that it is only through God's grace that as a nation we progress. We then have to ask ourselves what is our role as Christians in this country. How have being 'salt and light to our country' helped in these different issues? This month Pelita Methodist will be highlighting some ways our church and Christians in Malaysia go on about being 'a Kingdom of Priest' in our land. We are highlighting the Methodist College (MCKL) as being a higher learning institution bent in creating and forming quality students. It is our hope that the values and lessons learnt in this institution would not just help in the academic side of education but also shape young people with a heart for others. Pelita Methodist is also highlighting the need and call to pray for the nation and the church. We need to be vigilant to the 'Allah' issue and also the issue of printing the Bahasa Malaysia Bibles as Bumiputera Christians make up the bulk of Christians in Malaysia. We hope that Christians would live out the truth as much as try to proclaim it to our nation. This truth is that Jesus is Christ and Lord of all and only in Him can we find salvation.