01 Jul 2008

July/August 2008 - Asian Methodists Meet in Johor Bahru

The Asian Methodist Council (AMC) General Assembly

Procession of flags at the opening service. Seated front row from the right are Bishop Shin Kyuong-Ha, the outgoing Chairman of AMC, Dr John Barrett, Chairman of the World Methodist Council, and Bishop Hwa Yung.
Colourful presentation from Korean ladies.
General Assembly in session.
The office-bearers of the new Exco. Front row from left: Bishop Enoch Kuey, Rev Dr Li Ping-Kwong (representing Rev Prof Lo Lung-Kwong), Bishop T.S. Sagar, Bishop Dr Hwa Yung, Mdm. Lim Hye Sook, Bishop Nathanael Lazaro, Mr Kim Seah Kim Teck.
120 delegates from 13 Asian Methodist Churches met for the General Assembly of the Asian Methodist Council (AMC) from 24-27 June in Johor Bahru. This is the second assembly since its formation in June 2002. However, the Executive Committee has met every year except in 2005.

At this General Assembly the Bangladesh Methodist Church was formally accepted as a member of the AMC. 

The theme of the Assembly was:"Let the Light Shine: Uniting Asian Methodists for Missions". Two theme talks were given by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon and Bishop Dr Hwa Yung.

Nature and Identity of the Church in Asia
In the first theme talk Bishop Robert Solomon gave statistics to show that the Church was growing in Asia as in other parts of the non-Western world. Although Methodists are not the biggest or fastest growing church yet it has a strong presence in many countries in Asia.

Speaking specifically of Methodist ecclesiology he noted that early Methodism had its doctrinal roots in Anglicanism but also in tension with its missional societies. And in Wesley himself we see both a churchman who held a high view of the Church but also showed an adaptive genius to the context in which he worked. In describing the nature of the Church Bishop Solomon added that “mission is one of the primary marks of the church.”

Bishop Solomon saw the biblical descriptions of the church as the Bride and Body of Christ as the most appropriate for the Asian Church. As the Bride she is to show the “beauty of holiness”, the character of faithfulness and loyalty, and to wait in anticipation for the Lord’s return. As the Body of Christ, the church is to manifest unity, diversity and community to the world. These are founded on the Trinitarian God and there is no tension or division between the persons of the Triune God.

And finally, Bishop Solomon asked what is missing in the Body? He gave three images in answer. (1) Blood that signifies the willingness to die for the Lord and the faith. (2) Head that is the acknowledgment of Christ as the Lord of the church and (3) the Spirit without whom there cannot be unity and the power to proclaim the gospel.
The Mission of the Asian Methodist Church in the 21st Century 
Bishop Hwa Yung, in the second theme talk drew on John Wesley’s clearly stated goal for Methodism: “To reform the nation and … the Church; to spread scriptural holiness over the land.”

This meant in practice, for Wesley, the preaching of the gospel wherever and to those who need it and want it most. But ‘saving souls’ was more than deliverance from hell and going to heaven. Rather it meant “the renewal of our souls after the image of God in righteousness and true holiness, in justice, mercy and truth.” It involved sanctification that leads to personal and social transformation. 

Bishop Hwa Yung noted that personal holiness was “one of the most distinguishing characteristics of the early Methodists.” However, he emphasized that Wesley was concerned not merely for personal holiness but for a social holiness that expressed love for the neighbour as ourselves. Thus, Wesley pioneered various social reforms that “did much to transform Britain and America, especially in the 19th century.”

What is to be the mission of the Church today? Bishop Hwa Yung highlighted two main thrust. One is evangelism and church planting both in our own countries and overseas missions. The other is social transformation and nation-building, the church being truly salt of the earth and light of the world. However, all these efforts are to be rooted in personal holiness and genuine Christian character without which there can be no effective mission.

New Executive Committee
A new Executive Committee was elected to serve for the next three years. Every member church is represented by the Bishop or its equivalent and one layperson. At its first meeting the Committee elected the following office-bearers: Chairman - Bishop Hwa Yung (Malaysia); Vice-Chairman – Bishop T.S Sagar (India); Vice-Chairman, Lay - Mdm. Lim Hye Sook (Korea); Secretary - Bishop Nathanael Lazaro(Philippines); Assistant Secretary – Mr Kim Seah Teck Kim (Singapore); Treasurer - Rev Prof Lo Lung-Kwong (Hong Kong); Assistant Treasurer – Bishop Enoch Kuey (Taiwan).

At the end of the General Assembly a statement was endorsed calling for the churches to work together to address the issues that affect the ministry and mission of Methodist churches in Asia, in particular three that were highlighted for special focus in the next three years. (See the accompanying AMC Statement.)

Christopher Cheah