01 Oct 2009

October 2009 - Malaysian Missionary Movement (TAC)

Ministries and Updates

VBS in Myanmar

By the grace of God we were able to hold Vacation Bible School for about 950 children in four different locations in Yangon area. A team of 12 people from Malaysia conducted the teachers training for about 80 teachers. The children stayed in the VBS centers for three days. The theme for this year was “Jesus cares for you”. The lessons were prepared to lead them to faith in Jesus Christ who is the only one who cares for them in every aspect of their lives. We praise God that most of the children made simple confessions of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This gave us lot of peace and satisfaction.

“Gift of Hope 2009” – Myanmar child adoption project
We had a very good response from our members for the Gift of Hope project 2009. This year we were able to adopt a total of 765 children. Praise God for all the sponsors and their generous contribution for this worthy cause. There are thousands of children waiting to go to school. We believe these children who received support will be a blessing to the nation in the coming days.

Community centers in Myanmar
With some donations received we were able to purchase and set up three community centers in the Indian district of the Methodist church in Myanmar. From June 2009 all the community centers were operational. Currently they conduct free tuition classes, children ministry and Bible study for adults once a week. However they plan to start free medical services, emergency medical service, adult education, community education and other community related projects in the future.

PALAY ministries – Hatyai, Thailand
God is opening many new doors of opportunities for ministries in our PALAY ministries. We are currently teaching English in three villages and three schools. This gives us the opportunity to share the Gospel in the school assembly and also on a one to one basis with the students. Many more new openings are there, however we are not able to take all the opportunities due to lack of helpers. This is a call to teachers and school leavers to consider spending the school holidays to teach students in Hatyai and also in the villages. Our ministry to the university students continues to be a blessing. Please pray for our missionaries and also the volunteers who are working faithfully in this mission base.

Migrant ministries – the Nepalese
In spite of the economic downturn, we still have about 2.5 million foreign workers in Malaysia. Malaysia is the biggest mission field right now with so many opportunities. It is our sincere desire to see ALL TAC churches get involved in this very fruitful ministry. Help in starting a ministry in your church is available from the MMM office. We can also provide resource materials for this ministry.

Nepal adoption of churches
From 2009 we will adopt six churches in Nepal which were started by those who returned from Malaysia. Ministry among migrant workers is bearing fruits not only in Malaysia, but also in Nepal. We praise God for faithful migrant workers who share the Gospel with their families and communities. We will be partially supporting the six churches. We are looking for sponsors for these churches and ministries. Please prayerfully consider this. 

(Reports taken from Berita TAC 2 / 2009. Editor)