01 Oct 2009

October 2009 - Turning Point Centre

New Counselling Centre Opens in Bintulu

Bintulu Turning Point Centre was officially opened by Rev Dr Su Chii Ann, President of Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference (SCAC) on 25 September 2009. Turning Point Centre is the fourth Counselling Centre under the Board of Family and Counselling, SCAC after Sibu (Wellness Centre), Kuching (Grace Centre) and Miri (Sincere Centre).

Whether we are Christians or not, modern hectic life style can cause stress and conflicts. Seeing the needs of society, the Social Concerns Committee of the Bintulu District planned the telephone counselling ministry in 2008. Consequently, in 2009, a group of 20 volunteers were trained under Rev Khoo Ho Peng, Dean of Students of Methodist Theological School, Sibu.

Turning Point Centre aims to provide counselling services for the community. It also organizes regular workshops, camps, talks and courses in order to provide correct teaching and values.

Services provided are:
1. Telephone counselling Monday to Friday 7:00 -- 9:00 p.m.
2. Face to face counselling, includes individual, couple, family and group.
3. Workshops on Emotions, Relationship, Parenting, Depression, Sex Education and others.
4. Courses or camps: Singles' Camp, Marriage Enrichment Camp, Wise Parents' Course, No Apologies and

Connection 11 Oct 2009