01 Oct 2009

October 2009 - Holy Spirit touches Iban Youths

“Awak ka kitai merening ngagai Jesus!” (Heb.12:1)
“Let’s fix your eyes on Jesus!”



Pastors Preaching School
SIAC youth camp 
With this theme, for the second year Iban youths from the Sarawak Iban Annual Conference came together 25-27 August 2009 at the YMCA Camp Resort. This was again fully supported by some Methodist churches in Korea which are committed to partner with the Iban church to help in the spiritual development and renewal of the youths. Some 200 youths and over 30 pastors had this combined camp. The pastors came for a preaching school (see the report below) held over the same period.

The youths experienced the reality of the Holy Spirit pouring down upon their spirit, which led to spontaneous praise and prayer and worship to the Lord the Great and Almighty God. Their hearts and lips were opened and they realized they could pray and sing with their whole and heart and spirit.

The Holy Spirit brought a recognition and surfacing of past sins, being irresistibly overwhelmed by His presence, some broke in praise and prayer in tongues, and all felt the spirit of peace and comfort. But the Spirit also overcame the language barriers between Korean and English, English and Iban. No one was a foreigner to the other, they were all brothers and sisters in Christ, which they had never experienced before. Thanks to the Lord!

Pastor's preaching school
Over 30 Iban pastors joined the school which had classes and seminars. Five Korean pastors brought not only their knowledge and experience in the preaching ministry but their life journey in holistic growth to the teaching in the school.

The pastors were greatly helped by the constructive, creative and practical approaches to help build up the spiritual life. There were also much detailed resources that were useful to them. But it was also shared that it is the everyday practices of the spiritual life like whole hearted prayer, Bible reading, keeping close to God every moment of the day which form the basis for preparing spiritual, effective and powerful biblical preaching.

In the evening the pastors attended the congregational gatherings with the youths. They were reminded of the reasons why they need to be with the ‘lambs’ of the flock that they were called to serve.

It is hoped that this camp will be the beginning and continuing of crucial changes to the Iban church. But such camps in partnership with Korean Methodist churches will continue in the years to come.

(This is based on the report on the combined camp from Mr Kim Gueon Min. Editor)