01 Oct 2009

October 2009 - New Books from Armour

Experiencing the Heart of Pastoral Counselling
By Lee Bee Teik

In this comprehensive guide book on the heart of pastoral counselling, the author delves into areas where God’s deep transformation is anticipated in the readers’ lives. She reveals how God sees us as we are with all our hang-ups which affect our personal and interpersonal relationships. As we allow God to work in us and draw us closer to Him, we shall be more prepared to be His channel of grace to help others deal with their inner spiritual, mental and emotional traumas. This book is best used when the reader, on his own or with a few friends, prayerfully reads and reflects on each chapter at a time — pondering, journaling, crying, praying, laughing and being changed — with Jesus by his side.

Topics covered in this practical guide book include:
• Our Distorted Image of God
• Dynamics of the Counselling and Healing Process
• Celebration of Discipline and Giftedness
• Perfectionism
• Human Sexuality
• Mind Your Language
• The Eight Stages of Life
• Freedom and Morality
• The Forgotten Teenagers
• Knowing and Doing God’s Will
• Forgiveness and Reconciliation
• Caring for Carers
• Personal Reflections

Dim Sum For the Family

By John Ng

Dim Sum for the Family is a timely and practical book that discusses issues and challenges that confront marriage and parenting in our modern world. Written in bite-sized chapters from the author’s own experience and research, this illuminating book covers topics like “Great Marriage: Myth or Reality?”, “Great Children: Nightmare or Dream?”, “Great Parenting Skills Tool Box” and “Transforming Conflicts into Opportunities”. This compendium of wisdom, peppered with enlightening personal anecdotes, will equip you with the keys to a wholesome and enriching family life.

“This book confronts an urgent and complex issue of our society…you will find this book compelling, honest and even hard hitting. If every chapter is a tool, this book is filled with many practical tools you would want to have in your personal tool box on relationships.”

Ms Tina Ong Hung
Director, Service Development & Deputy CEO, National Council of Social Service

Beyond Words. The Remarkable Story of Paul and Nathalie Means
Edited by Laurel Means

Paul Banwell Means has an aim. He wants to go overseas as an educator and a missionary. Blessed with a wife Nathalie who shares his vision, Paul heads to the Far East to take up the position of the Principal of the Methodist Boys' School in Medan, Sumatra. On a trip into the jungles of North Sumatra, Paul meets the Bataks, and it is there that Paul's understanding of Christian mission is shaped.

Paul and Nathalie Means "came to bear witness to the Light, the Light that shines in the Malayan jungles and in Indian villages," where they served as missionaries, linguists, translators, and literacy specialists. Theirs are two impressive lives which deserve to be remembered in the history of our 21st-century world.

This biography of Paul and Nathalie Means is well woven around the many letters which dramatically bring to life their unrelenting work to make Kunci Pelajaran (the keys to reading) a reality. Share
their struggles and their triumphs. Read about how Paul on his deathbed was still planning their
next mission to Malaysia, and how Nathalie fulfils her promise to him.