01 Oct 2009

October 2009 - Beautiful Gate Recycling Project

Working on clothes
Many of us would have heard of Beautiful Gate Foundation for the Disabled, pioneered by Pastor Sia Siew Chin of the Chinese Annual Conference. A not-for-profit organization committed to serve people with disabilities, the various centres provide living skills and working skills training, social work, educational, mobile therapy services and organize awareness activities. Their goal is to enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities, and assist in their total integration into mainstream society.

One source of income, besides donations from churches and the public, is from recyclable items. A collection task force oversees the processing of recyclable items such as clothing, plastic, glass, steel, and also electrical items, old furniture, etc. The recycle centre also creates job opportunities for those who are physically and mentally deficient. But in a wider perspective these efforts go towards building a more effective recycling system in the city, reducing wastage, protecting the environment and bringing about a greener city.

To encourage this practice the centre has built recycle steel bins (6 ft. high by 4 ft by 5 ft) for collection of recyclable items. Pastor Sia hopes that churches will install one of these bins in their compounds for members as well as the public to bring these items. It is probably true for most of us that we do want to recycle but do not know where to bring these items. To have easy access to such bins can encourage a more widespread practice of recycling.

The Foundation is looking to relocate the recycling centre to a small factory building. This will provide more space and better environment to work in. If anyone can help in this area or if your church is interested to install a recycle bin Pastor Sia Siew Chin can be contacted at tel. 03-78736579, 03- 78758609; fax. 03-78762686; email bgcentre@yahoo.com